Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A New Look or Two

After years of wanting a "good camera," I found one at a very good cost to support my creative endeavors and the professional work of my good husband.  Before our Susanna appointment yesterday, we wandered to the Botanical Gardens where we walked and shot, ate and talked, sipped and paused, and all around enjoyed life.

The trees are in full color change here in Utah and yet the flowers at the Gardens are still brilliant.  The Ogden River was quite busy, and filled with much life.

Yes, we are grateful to live so close to this special spot and be surrounded by amazing beauty!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Weekend of Racing

Saturday and the Weber 5K

Scott raced this and I stayed at home to do yoga, lift, and other creative endeavors.  He called a bit after he finished, told me his time, and shared some of the highlights.  While his goal was to run 24:xx, he finished in 25:10, and was very happy with the time.  His comments about the race course, post race food, and other race elements were glowingly positive.

A bit after the call he returned home, we relaxed, researched, and ran errands before napping.  We then headed out to dinner with a Missionary friend of his with whom he has the Shakespeare class.  Dinner was perfect as a double date (as his friend's wife joined us, too).  

Sunday and the XTERRA US Trail Championship (Volunteering)

This was a first adventure for Scott as a volunteer, and it felt so wonderful to share this part of my life with him!  

We were up by 0540 to be on the road by 0615 with volunteering duties starting at 0700.  I was concerned about driving to Snowbasin in the canyon with it being dark and possibly not 100% at my best.  All was well, and we made it safely there, snagged a great parking space, enjoyed the Olympic Lodge a bit, and more before we checked in.

Our shift was 0700-0900 at Athlete Registration, and we worked with some very, very respectful XTERRA staff members.  We mainly worked with two XTERRA staffers, plus an occasional other two. All were a delight and treated us with the utmost in kindness and appreciation.

We were blessed with the brilliance of changing fall leaves, and wondered why we didn't bring the camera (and wished the new one was here...).  When things got a bit crazy, we'd take a moment, breathe, and enjoy the surroundings and new experiences.

Overall it was a perfect weekend of racing with very positive and warm people.  We look forward to returning to these races next year, time and life permitting.  

Friday, September 21, 2012


Holy Heavens!

The third trimester is underway, and Susanna is a champ!  So, in celebration of this journey, here are 10 things for which I am grateful...pregnancy related.

  1. Being able to be pregnant!  (This isn't an option or reality for everyone who desires it, so I know how blessed I am/we are.)
  2. Susanna's health!  (She continues to grow and be a super healthy kid.)
  3. My health! (I sometimes forget I'm pregnant...)
  4. Scott's love and support! (The man is amazing... and I'll tear up more if I continue...)
  5. Susanna's timing! (This little girl has immaculate timing for our lives!  Not too big on the move which meant good times on the road, not too big during the hottest days of summer, and yet just in time for Winter Break so her Dad can enjoy her fully once finals are done...provided she decides to exit on/about her due date.)
  6. All of the amazing medical people with whom we have worked and met!  (Shout out to Lynn at Prince William OBGYN...we miss you and your wisdom!)
  7. Coming to peace with my body! (It's so amazing to witness this process....)
  8. My body's ability and/or willingness to do what it has always done- with a few exceptions!  (See no. 3)
  9. Being resourceful in ways we always dreamt!  (E.g. finding or 2 years of clothes for FREE on Craigs List, making friends with the DI here, etc.)
  10. Slowing down and enjoying each moment! (There are no trail runs due to balance and rocks.  There are no swims due to my body's lack of chlorine tolerance.  Instead, there are walks and observing the world around me/us in a most beautiful way.)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Peach Days 10K Report

On Saturday, 8 September 2012, Scott ran the Peach Days 10K in Brigham City, which is about 30 minutes north of us.  Here are the highlights from both of us.

  • The race was superbly well organized on all levels.
  • Packet pick up the day before the race was smooth, in a clearly identified spot with tons of parking, and filled with very helpful and knowledgeable people.
  • Parking the morning of the race was easy and safe.
  • The course was mostly flat with a few mini hills or road elevations and apparently it looped around a spot, making it welcoming for families to cheer on a parent in various locations.
  • There were lots of Honey Buckets (aka Port o Potties) and they were cleaned after the runners started, which was before the parade started.
  • The locals were fully supportive of the race and there were some good sections of people cheering from their homes on the race course!
  • The shirt was purple and silver with a Steve Prefontaine quotation.  (Purple and white are Weber colors which makes this shirt easy to double as "school gear," and Scott and I had been discussing Prefontaine recently!)
  • All in all, everyone we encountered was superbly and sincerely nice.
  • The race was $20 and that included the technical shirt!
Here are things we learned...

  • We don't have to leave as early for races as we did when we lived in Virginia.  (Though getting there when we did ensured us a really sweet parking space!)
  • Utah has tons of events going on at the same time, and it was slightly bummer-ish to miss volunteering at the Wasatch 100 in favor of Scott's running this race.
  • We look forward to running/spectating again next year.  Scott hopes to push Susanna as he runs!
  • The fresh peaches at the end of the race are divine!
Scott ran a PR of 51:27.  It was only his second 10K of his life, and better than the other 10K which was pre-accident.  He initially was shooting for sub 1:02, his last 10K (Turkey Trot last year), but decided at the half-way point to push it and see what could happen. His ideal goal was to double his 5K time from a few weeks ago, which would have meant running a 49:xx.  

Thanks to all who make this race possible.  Cheers to the upcoming 40th running of it in 2013!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Hope with Susanna Hope

Scott and I hope to use the above flannel for cloth wipes for our Susanna Hope when she arrives.  The game plan is to use cloth diapers once she's big enough, as the reviews on the newborn ones vary. We figure that cloth dipes will save us and Mother Earth a ton.  If we're using cloth dipes, why not cloth wipes?

I was skeptical at first, but the more research I did, the more it felt like the thing for us to do.  The solution is simple and there are many out there for each individual person or family.  We're looking at using a solution of water, oil (olive most likely as we have it on hand and it's recommended), baby soap (Dr. Bronner's baby), and a few drops each of tea tree and lavendar oils. 

The cost for cloth wipes is very minimal.  The four sets of fabric from the left-to-right in the pic were blankets we received from a freebie bag.  The blue fabric we bought, anticipating a need for extra wipes.  (We went to JoAnn's and Scott told me to pick it out by feel- for the softest fabric.  This resulted in peace monkeys and sharks.)  The fabric will be cut into 6-inch (or so) squares and be double sided.

We plan on tossing the cloth wipes in with the cloth dipes when we do laundry.  As with all things in life, we shall see what happens.  In the mean time, we look forward to (hopefully) helping our Susanna Hope, Mother Earth, and our savings with this. 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Cox Honeyland of Utah

Before Scott's classes started we trekked up to Logan to visit Cox Honeyland of Utah.  Um, what is there to say?  Let's see if I can simplify it into six points for the hexagon-shaped honey comb.

  1. The drive was absolutely, mind-blowingly beautiful and peaceful!
  2. The prices at the store are very, very reasonable!
  3. The products taste sooooo yummy!
  4. We learned about it after a visit to The Hive Winery.
  5. The pre-packaged orange-carrot muffin mix is divine, and I'd drive back for another!
  6. There were many, many cyclists out on 89 between Brigham City and Logan resulting in our scouting for future Scott trips.
Ha!  Pretty remarkable to sum it up!  Truly, it's a phenomenal place with a self-sampling station.  I hope we can re-visit when we head to Bear Lake one day...maybe with a kid or two in tow!