Monday, April 8, 2013

Macklemore Half Challenge

While Scott was gone, I needed to do "stuff" with Susanna, so I created a Macklemore Half Challenge a la (with changes) the Unofficial one from John and Sherry at Young House Love.  We had a blast!

Susanna is already in love with this $1 great find!

We did, however, pass on the skis.  

When it was all said and done, we spent $8.50 out of our $10.

Oh and during the weekend, I learned a lot.  

Thursday, April 4, 2013

A Birthday Hike & A Perfect Moment

Utah was in the mid-60's on my recent birthday, so we hiked in those beloved Wasatach Mountains.  Susanna did amazing and slept for most of it!

Then something else unbelievable happened- a moment like no other.  It was perfection!

I'm so grateful for these moments... and all of them that make up my beautiful life!