Friday, November 30, 2012

Our Word Art is Back!

Some time ago Scott and I created Our Word Art, a blog dedicated "to the beauty of words as art."  Yet, dedication to the beauty of words as art in a blog format was not so steady.  Life had it's turns and twists, and we had our moments of reality.

Our Word Art is back!  It's a place where words are art and art is words, and pictures pop up to inspire.  It's a joyful place in which we believe and we find comfort.  Perhaps you will, too, and maybe you will join us on our journey of beautiful words as art.

It's not so stuffy (who needs that?) and it is bound to evolve as we do!

Thank you for sharing this journey of beauty-words-art with us!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Race Across America 2014

A good friend is part of a four woman team that will complete the Race Across America in 2014.  She shared with me this video about it that was featured on WPXI in Pittsburgh last night. Her team is raising money for Pulmonary Hypertension which is something I was not familiar with before her joining the team.

This is the same "good friend" who taught Scott the joy of riding hills in Pittsburgh.  That lead to him fully enjoying that aspect on the bike, and being very pleased with himself each time he passes others on hills!

Best of Luck, Anne-Marie and team Phenomenal Hope!  You have our support!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Morning Mountains

I opened the door and saw the sky above the mountains.  I grabbed the camera, put on shoes and a sweatshirt, and shot until the light changed.  All were shot from the front step or the driveway.

Yes, I love my home and all of the beauty that surrounds and is within it.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thank You Ogden!

Before we moved to Ogden, I heard a lot about it.  I researched a lot.  I was scared.  In my heart, I knew things would be okay and it was where we needed to be, but I had a fair amount of hesitation.  It didn't all disappear immediately once we moved either.

I loved the drive west.  I thoroughly enjoyed the shared times in the UHaul with Scott.  I embraced our adventures, and still laugh at them.

Yesterday it was warm.  We thought our little girl might make an early morning Thanksgiving appearance, but um, no.  We went to one of our favorite spots and walked.  We talked.  We soaked in the beauty.  We shared hopes and dreams.  We cleaned up the areas along the Ogden River.

We recently chatted with a friend about ideal places to live, what was important, etc.  Our friend's list mirrored Ogden perfectly!  Whoever knew we would be living in a place now where another dreams of living.

Thank You Ogden for being you!  Thank you for your welcoming people that make us go, "wow! people are  really, really, really nice here."  Thank you for being close to mountains, water, culture, and yet just close enough to a "big city" where we can enjoy.  Thank you for holding opportunities we cherish and ones of which we're not yet aware!

Here's to you, Ogden!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Life's Little Bits

A smattering of things from inside our warm and happy home...

  • This blog post hit home today.  It's so great to have someone else who "gets it" at the same or similar time.  
  • Our good friend Anne-Marie had her third DNF of the season at Ironman Arizona, but like a true champ she found a silver lining.  She hiked to the top of Camelback Mountain the next day, as she was not marathon-exhausted.  
  • Susanna is said to be 7 lbs and healthy.  We love this little girl and will welcome her with open hearts and arms when she is ready.  
  • We have few plans for this week, other than to enjoy and keep on keeping on.  Scott may do a ride on Saturday morning with the local bike shop, but we'll see.  
  • Our home is filled with yummy goodies ready to make life easy when SHE arrives, and I'm resting as often as the body dictates- well, mostly.
Happy Early Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 19, 2012

DI Love

Before we moved out here, I heard about the DI from Scott.  That would be Deseret Industries.  Scott assured me that it was better than anything around.  He told me the prices were amazing, everything was well taken care of, and you could find anything there.  I might have been a bit skeptical at first.  Just a bit.

Well, I've since taken to the DI like a dolphin to the oceans.  I love that place!  We have a nice stash of "older" clothes for SHE that have not cost us too much and are near new or gently worn.  We have found random needed things, and things I cannot discuss here as they are wrapped and waiting being opened!  Just last week I found a pair of shorts for when SHE arrives should I not feel like hanging out in nightgown at the hospital.

Yesterday Scott told me he wanted to get a glider or rocker for holding SHE, as he's not as comfortable sitting on the floor as I am and the stool doesn't provide tons of support.  I researched and we discussed options.  We looked on KSL, Target, Wal Mart, JCPenney's, Sears, K-Mart, and more.  We found this possible option, and planned on heading to RC Willey today to check it out.

At the same time, we both knew we wanted to go to the DI and look there.  Scott asked when the DI opened.  I told him 10.  We were there at 1020 this morning.

Scott made a bee-line for the rockers and gliders.  He liked one.  I liked another.  We agreed to walk to the outdoor area, as they have other chairs and tons upon tons of stuff there.  I went one way and he went another.  He sat in one and ruled it out.  He sat in another.  I knew from his body language he was sunk.  I asked him what he thought, and he told me to try it out myself.

I was sunk-ish.  He told me the price and we discussed.

For the cost of the glider and foot stool we'd only get the glider inside the store or the rocking chair.  Yes, 2 pieces instead of 1.

The total cost for both?


The glider is sort of like this one, but it's older. The pattern is different.  The foot stool is the same pattern as the glider, but a different color.  There's some wear on the glider wood, but it's sturdy.

For us, they're perfect!  We'd rather have experiences over "stuff" and new stuff seems silly (at times) to me. There's plenty of stuff out there with life in it, and these pieces have a lot of life!

They're now drying as they have been cleaned with white vinegar and water.  They're here before SHE arrives, and they fit in our car!

To whoever donated it or them to the DI, thanks!  To my husband for being persistent, thanks!  To the really kind lady who explained the DI check out and pick up of furniture procedure to us, thanks!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Turkey Trot Report and More

Let's keep things simple.

Today's Turkey Trot

  • Scott was very happy with his time and corrected me by telling me that it wasn't a hilly course.  (Atta man!  He knows hills from his Feb. training session with Anne-Marie!)
  • The race was put on by the Golden Spike Track Club, and we continue to be impressed by the organization of it!
  • The race ($5 for a 4 mile race) had a huge increase of runners this year.  We're hoping to add one more to that total next year- in a jogging stroller- weather (and life) to be determined.
  • The drive to/from Brigham City is always a delight and we're so grateful for the beauty of the area!
Life Beyond the Turkey Trot

  • As of this writing, SHE isn't heading anywhere any time soon.
  • We enjoyed a delicious dinner that was balanced for both of us, and prepped by the good man Scott.
  • We're hoping to get out and do stair repeats tomorrow, but the weather determines that (rain or no rain?).
  • Life is mellow and wonderful.
  • WE is still fiercely protective of her privacy, and appreciates that understanding (despite the irony of writing here).
  • Tomorrow's agenda might also include making hidden cherry cookies-sandwiched between a chocolate base and chocolate topping.  Life will tell....
  • Tomorrow will also definitely include lots of live tracking of a friend's Ironman Arizona adventures... Go A-M!  (Yes, we decided it was wiser to not drive to Tempe and back before the next SHE apt. on Monday night.)
Wishing you all the best in this nearly Thanksgiving time!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Susanna Sneak Peek

For those hoping for a belly shot or ultrasound pic, it's not happening.  Instead, I share with you this...

Those are the fabrics on which we hope to photograph our little girl after she's here!  They'll be used for Christmas/she's here pictures.

We bought the green one after matching it with a cute red knit dress, but upon reflecting, we wondered if the green background and red dress would be too contrasting.  The upper fabric is a beautiful cream with little gold stars and swirls.  Perhaps this will be best for our sweet lady!

Of course, all of this is on hold until she arrives and we are with her for a bit of time.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Turkey Trots...Turkeys Trot?

This weekend we're supposed to enjoy some mild weather.  Just north of us exists a terrific running club (the Golden Spike that puts on races like the Mantua Dam 5 miler and the Peach Days 10k).  As a result, Scott and I are thinking of heading up there for the Turkey Trot on Saturday.

The set up is fabulous.  The race is $5 and it's a 4 mile run.  This works well for his pre-St. George half marathon training should he add a few more miles to it.  Plus it allows him variety, and it's reasonably close should little lady decide to head out and join the run.

If she chooses to hang out longer there are several options for Turkeys Trotting through Utah next Thursday, and we're considering one in the Logan area that is called the "Hurricane Hustle" and benefits Hurricane Sandy support.

Life will tell.  Until then, we're enjoying each moment!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Weber State Turkey Tri Report

This morning Scott raced the Weber State Turkey Tri Du.  The race was scheduled to be a reverse triathlon, but the bike leg was cancelled.  The storm that started yesterday made the outside a bit white and wet.  In fact, Scott wasn't sure if he was going to race or not, so I shot this picture to give him a sense of what the outside world was like while he stayed snug in bed.

The snow, by the way, was not "fluffy" or "powder" Utah snow.  It had a nice bit of solidity and moistness to it.

After a bit of prayer, Scott decided he'd give the race a shot and we agreed that if the roads were really bad, he would DNS.  He had to return the timing chip to the university anyhow, so off we went.

It became clear that the bike leg was cancelled when we saw empty bike racks set up in transition.  This was confirmed when we walked to the registration table, too.  Thankfully we had left the bike on the car rack just in case, so there was no schlepping it around a few times over up and down the stairs we do our repeats on.

The race itself was a 5k run and 300 meter (or yard?) swim.  Scott was in wave 2 which started at 9:05.  As he waited for his heat to start, I shot the following photos.  (Forgive me for not cropping them and making them look all pretty.  Yet, they should help with the perspective of the weather and snow.)

After he started, I paused to snap a few more snow shots.  In the last one, you can see the Great Salt Lake.

I returned inside to wait before heading to the pool to watch him complete the swim.  He came earlier than I had anticipated (I wasn't wearing a watch or checking my phone), went through transition (on the pool deck), and asked about the starting point.

It became clear that he was a swimmer, as the definition of "swimming" was loosely interpreted in this leg of the event.  (Note- we all have our strengths, and I commend all who tackle swimming.  I also miss the heavens out of it, and look forward to returning to my favorite athletic home one day- beyond the trails and yoga mat.)

In the second photo, the athlete on the lane line paused to let Scott swim by.  This was at the 100 point of the race, and Scott had passed three swimmers in this lane alone.

Following the race, we hung out waiting for the raffle and results.  While our number wasn't called, we thoroughly enjoyed our time.  On the way out, the fog was sitting heavily on the mountains.  We also spotted an icicle on Scott's rear bike wheel.

The race was put on by the Weber State University Tri Club.  Nearly all aspects of the race were handled thoughtfully and respectfully.  The pre race briefing was excellently conducted.  There was plenty of food (bananas, oranges, bagels) pre and post race.  The run course was well marked, and there were tons of volunteers on hand.  The turkey also kept everyone in good spirits!

The only concern was that it appeared that some athletes cut the swim course short- swimming a 150 instead of 300, and that there were limited staff/officials/volunteers on the pool deck to help.  Perhaps a more thorough explanation of the swim leg at the briefing and on the website would help.

Monday, November 5, 2012

One Year Celebration

Oh, how sweet life is!

How adventurous life can be!

How wonderful life is with faith, joy, hope, and love!

How cheesy sounding this might appear, but how true.

Yesterday Scott and I celebrated one year of together-ness.  Yes, in one crazy year, we have lived a lot and it's only the beginning!  Some how in one year we've: made major career and education decisions, moved across the country, visited our "home towns" (relative for Navy brats), met various family members, run on amazing trails, biked on crazy hills (well, Scott has), fallen in love with other areas, donated more stuff than we can imagine and down-sized a ton, been terrifically resourceful, and more.

Oh yeah, we've focused on creativity and creation a lot.  The product of a very special one will be emerging in the 3-4 week range, God Willing!

In honor of one amazing year, we celebrated as was best for us.  We ran stairs at Weber, enjoyed time together at Einstein Bagels outside, found amazing things on sale that were needed, had a simple dinner and homemade dessert, and reflected on all that has been and will be.

We also drove for a short bit in the canyon and Scott found a free parking lot that is an ideal starting spot for open water swims and fishing!

Some images from that spot are below.  All are at Pineview Reservoir except for the last.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Enjoying the Moment!

For those wondering about what has been going on since the snow came, went, and has stayed only on the tops of the mountains, here you are...

  • Scott has been home a lot more.  He's working on some different projects beyond class work and continues to excel in class.  
  • I've been subbing here/there.  There have been a lot of off/partial days with the school district and some conflicts with our one-vehicle life, but all is well.
  • There has been a ton of rest going on in preparation for this little girl who will be making an appearance hopefully this month!  
Beyond that, most everything else has been kind of chill and quiet.  There's a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff, but we're keeping that close to us and our warm and loving home.  

We have become fans of the following:  Chopped on and the yummy recipes at  The pumpkin bars are wow-some-ly good!  

For those curious about our li'l lady... 

  • She's as healthy as ever!
  • She's a wonderfully active and delightful soul!
  • She's measuring well, but didn't gain a ton between the last appointments...whew!
  • She's doing what she needs to do to be ready, and we're so, so grateful for her!  
We look forward to her when she comes... and are enjoying each moment of her in her current state!