Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thank You Ogden!

Before we moved to Ogden, I heard a lot about it.  I researched a lot.  I was scared.  In my heart, I knew things would be okay and it was where we needed to be, but I had a fair amount of hesitation.  It didn't all disappear immediately once we moved either.

I loved the drive west.  I thoroughly enjoyed the shared times in the UHaul with Scott.  I embraced our adventures, and still laugh at them.

Yesterday it was warm.  We thought our little girl might make an early morning Thanksgiving appearance, but um, no.  We went to one of our favorite spots and walked.  We talked.  We soaked in the beauty.  We shared hopes and dreams.  We cleaned up the areas along the Ogden River.

We recently chatted with a friend about ideal places to live, what was important, etc.  Our friend's list mirrored Ogden perfectly!  Whoever knew we would be living in a place now where another dreams of living.

Thank You Ogden for being you!  Thank you for your welcoming people that make us go, "wow! people are  really, really, really nice here."  Thank you for being close to mountains, water, culture, and yet just close enough to a "big city" where we can enjoy.  Thank you for holding opportunities we cherish and ones of which we're not yet aware!

Here's to you, Ogden!

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