The other afternoon, while waiting in the Jeep for Scott, I heard a familiar sound: soda cans being crushed on concrete. I simultaneously looked at our neighbor to the south crushing cans while remembering my neighbor in Pittsburgh who crushed cans with a sledge hammer.
*ding* or *flash*
On clicked something in my brain. I noted the observation and memory to Scott and asked if we should donate our cans to our neighbor. He liked the idea.
On Friday we were out scouting KSL freebies when we returned home for a bit. Scott walked over to the neighbor, who was sitting out, while I went inside to get the cans. We greeted the neighbor and I spoke with him in Spanish, asking if he wanted the cans.
His face lit up like my moment of insight, and he said that he'd be happy to have them.
The blue recycling bin will be a bit lighter thanks to our neighbor receiving the cans. Our hearts will be will be more light-filled in sharing them with him, too.
PS A shameless plug for those in the area, Smith's has soda on sale for 12 cans for $2 with the Smith's card. It's the generic kind, but it works when you need something that doesn't cost $1 or so.
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